Welcome to my page!
I am a proud mom of two teenager boys, a lucky wife, and a Network Engineer, Consultant, Instructor and Juniper Ambassador. I have been in the industry for a long time, and have been both an engineer in the field, working directly with customers on a variety of projects, vendors, and technologies, and an instructor teaching people about a variety of vendors, and technologies.
What I have always liked the most during my career is learning new things and sharing what I have learned with others. I enjoy figuring out the best way to present information, and I LOVE answering technical questions.
I created this page as a new way to share technical knowledge with other people.
P.S. When my youngest was 4, one of his toys broke while playing outside with his brother and friends.
My neighbor told him: “Oh don’t worry, I am sure your dad can fix it”.
He turned to her, and kind of upset he said:
“My MOM can fix anything!” To what his 6 year old brother added: “yes, she can fix anything with duct tape and super glue!!
Follow me on twitter @YLara1
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