Kiddos are ~4 and 6 years old. I leave the office early one day and decide to stop by famous and kiddos' favorite Amphora Bakery. I get two gingerbread man cookies that honestly look delicious!! I don't have a picture,...
Written by ylmva1
What is the difference between “from traffic-engineering” and “from family traffic-engineering” in a routing policy?
I was asked early this week what the difference between configuring a routing policy matching on "traffic-engineering" and configuring one matching on "family traffic-engineering" is. I found this to be a very good question, so I decided to write a...
SRX210 network configuration example
ylara@R1# show | display setset version 12.1X44-D35.5set system host-name R1set system time-zone America/New_Yorkset system root-authentication encrypted-password "$1$6gNz/e.a$3PwYertOAmvSXeWEYVkKF1"set system login user ylara uid 2000set system login user ylara class super-userset system login user ylara authentication encrypted-password "$1$tWTTA9FV$WTL22E4Hj2JKLEmbODI8i0"set system services ssh root-login...
CHECK THE LIST OF TOPICS (to make sure you cover everything): JNCIS-SP Certification | Juniper Networks JNCIP-SP Certification | Juniper Networks CHECK THE FOLLOWING DAY ONE BOOKS: Beginner’s Guide to Learning Junos Exploring the Junos CLI, 2nd Edition Configuring Junos...
I am back + BGP next hop resolution using an LSP
Hello!!! It's been a long time! Life has been crazy in the last 2 years , and I know that is an understatement, and that every single one of you would agree 100% I for instance changed jobs, caught Covid...
Effect of Route Summarization and LDP updates
While studying for SPCORE I learned about this behavior: And I tested this in Junos using routing instances and lt interfaces: ylara@R1# show | display set relative set R1 instance-type virtual-router set R1 interface lt-0/0/0.1 set R1 interface lo0.1 set...
Commit check immediately followed by commit?
I am on mission to prevent people from getting into the habit of making configuration changes in Junos and, when the time comes to activating them, doing a commit check, immediately followed by a commit, if they don't get any...
JNCIE-SP References
NOTE: This is MY list of references to help you get started. It is not a Juniper official list, and it does not mean everything you need to know for the test is covered here. Also, if you find any...
JNCIE-SEC references
NOTE: This is MY list of references to help you get started. It is not a Juniper official list, and it does not mean everything you need to know for the test is covered here. vLABs JUNIPER FORUM
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