While studying for SPCORE I learned about this behavior:

And I tested this in Junos using routing instances and lt interfaces:

[edit routing-instances] ylara@R1# show | display set relative set R1 instance-type virtual-router set R1 interface lt-0/0/0.1 set R1 interface lo0.1 set R1 protocols ospf area interface lo0.1 set R1 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.1 set R1 protocols ldp explicit-null set R1 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.1 set R1 protocols ldp interface lo0.1 set R2 instance-type virtual-router set R2 interface lt-0/0/0.2 set R2 interface lt-0/0/0.3 set R2 interface lo0.2 set R2 protocols ospf area interface lo0.2 set R2 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.2 set R2 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.3 set R2 protocols ldp explicit-null set R2 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.2 set R2 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.3 set R2 protocols ldp interface lo0.2 set R3 instance-type virtual-router set R3 interface lt-0/0/0.4 set R3 interface lt-0/0/0.5 set R3 interface lo0.3 set R3 protocols ospf area interface lo0.3 set R3 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.4 set R3 protocols ospf area area-range set R3 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.5 set R3 protocols ldp egress-policy LDP_ALL set R3 protocols ldp explicit-null set R3 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.4 set R3 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.5 set R3 protocols ldp interface lo0.3 set R4 instance-type virtual-router set R4 interface lt-0/0/0.6 set R4 interface lt-0/0/0.7 set R4 interface lo0.4 set R4 protocols ospf area interface lo0.4 set R4 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.6 set R4 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.7 set R4 protocols ldp explicit-null set R4 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.6 set R4 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.7 set R4 protocols ldp interface lo0.4 set R5 instance-type virtual-router set R5 interface lt-0/0/0.8 set R5 interface lo0.5 set R5 protocols ospf area interface lo0.5 set R5 protocols ospf area interface lt-0/0/0.8 set R5 protocols ldp egress-policy LDP_LABELS set R5 protocols ldp explicit-null set R5 protocols ldp interface lt-0/0/0.8 set R5 protocols ldp interface lo0.5 [edit policy-options policy-statement LDP_R3] ylara@R1# show | display set relative set term 1 from route-filter exact set term 1 from route-filter upto /24 set term 1 then accept set term 2 then reject [edit policy-options policy-statement LDP_R5] ylara@R1# show | display set relative set term 1 from route-filter exact set term 1 from route-filter exact set term 1 from route-filter exact set term 1 then accept set term 2 then reject
Noticed that I added explicit null under protocols LDP, so that the routers advertise label 0 (the EXPLICIT Null label) as my original example. (See the original diagrams). Remember that:
Explicit null (label 0)
- It is an actual label value: MPLS frames are sent with a label value of 0
- When the egress signals with label = 0, it is requesting that the packets be sent with a label (label = 0). The egress router itself will remove (pop) the label – UHP (Ultimate Hop Popping)
Implicit null (label 3)
- It is not an actual label value: MPLS frames are never sent with a label value of 3
- When the egress signals with label = 3, it is requesting that the packets be sent without a label. The penultimate router (the router right before the egress) will remove (pop) the label – PHP (Penultimate Hop Popping)
Also, I needed to add egress policies under LDP on R3 and R5. These policies were needed because one significant difference between Juniper’s and Cisco’s LDP implementations:
- IOS allocates and advertises a label for every route in its routing table.
- Junos allocates and advertises a label ONLY for the primary address of the loopback interface.
The relevant sections of the LDP database, and the routing table on R1, R2, and R3 are shown below:

Without summarization enabled on R3:
R3 advertises 20.1.1/24 and 20.1.2/24 both via LDP and OSPF. As a result:
- R2 has OSPF routes for 20.1.1/24 and 20.1.2/24 with next-hop R3 AND has labels for both prefixes also from R3.
- R2 can install LDP routes for 20.1.1/24 and 20.1.2/24 in inet.3, and can allocate and advertise labels for both prefixes to R1.
With summarization enabled on R3:
R3 advertises labels for 20.1.1/24, 20.1.2/24 and 20.1/16 via LDP (because of egress policy), but it ONLY advertises 20.1/16 via OSPF.
- R2 ONLY has OSPF routes with next-hop R3 AND a label from R3 for 20.1/16
- R2 can ONLY install an LDP route for 20.1/16 in inet.3, and can be allocate and advertise a label for that prefix to R1.
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